Recent Performance
Saxophone Recital vol. 3
28 November, 2022 (18:30 Doors open | 19:00 Performance starts)
Crazy Logic – performed by Noriyuki Shimizu (alto saxophone) + Assoc. Artist (piano). Also featuring works by G. Wanna Maker, F. Ducruk, Karen Tanaka & Yoshimatsu.
Venue: Shibuya Public Hall, Small Hall – Tokyo, Japan.
Tickets: General: 3,000 yen Students: 2,500 yen
More info:
Sound byte
Performer: Romp Duo (Barry Cockcroft & Adam Pinto) – CD: Crazy Logic
Composer’s Note
Crazy Logic (for alto saxophone and piano, 2006) was composed at the invitation of saxophonist Barry Cockcroft and pianist Adam Pinto (RompDuo) for premiere performance at the 2006 Port Fairy Spring Music Festival, VIC, Australia.
In composing the work, I have chosen to use musical ideas of a mostly intense and driving nature. My melodic lines comprise semiquavers which twist, scurry, and traverse up, down and around the musical staves at a great pace.
Furthermore, the two instrumentalists often play in unison or at the octave, lending added urgency and directness to the music.
While a softer, more reflective mood is revealed at the heart of the work, it is the energetic music with its chromatic kinks, jagged contours and wide leaps that elicits, for me, the ‘crazy’ mood alluded to in the work’s title.
In stitching my ‘crazy’ music together, I have aimed to afford the work a certain logic by virtue of balanced phrasing and fluent transitions between sections of the work.
I thank Barry and Adam for inviting me to compose this work and for giving the work its premiere performance.
Matthew Orlovich
Some of the Known Performances
Gerard McChrystal (saxophone) & Mary Dullea (pianist) @ SAX +! Recital, Wigmore Hall, London, UK;
Phil Barham (saxophone) & Paul Thurmond (pianist) @ Wattenbarger Auditorium, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, Tennessee, USA.
Barry Cockcroft (saxophone) & Darrell Partin (piano) @ the 34th International Saxophone Symposium, Fairfax, VA, USA;
Jonathan Nichol (alto saxophone) & Associate Artist (piano) @ 2011 Region V North American Saxophone Alliance Conference, Northeastern Illinois University, USA.
Anhinga PianoSAX Duo @ 2011 North American Saxophone Alliance Region 4 Conference, Huntsville, Texas, USA;
Jabra Latham (saxophone) & Karen Smithies (pianist) at The Ballroom, Epsom House, Pontville, Tasmania, Australia;
RompDuo @ 2011 Australian Clarinet and Saxophone Symposium, Melbourne, Australia;
Timothy Roberts (saxophone) and Renate Rohlfing (piano) @ Selmer Paris Dragon Bird Event, Steinway Hall, New York City, New York, USA.
Timothy Roberts (saxophone) and Silvan Negrutiu (piano) @ 35th International Saxophone Symposium, Fairfax, VA, USA.
Bernard Lagana (saxophone) and Associate Artist @ University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA.
Sarah Byron (saxophone) and Associate Artist @ 2012 South Australian Band Association “Champion of Champions” Concert.
George Pruksavanich (saxophone) & Takool Treeweeranuwat (piano) @ Concert for Siam Yamaha, Siam Discovery, Bangkok, Thailand.
Timothy Roberts (saxophone) and Silvan Negrutiu (piano) @ Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts, Hong Kong, SAR PRC.
William Chien (saxophone) and Chen Yi (piano) @ National Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan.
Perry Rask (saxophone) and Associate Artist (piano) @ Kaeuper Hall, Perkinson Music Center, Millikin University, Decatur IL, USA.
Michael Duke (saxophone) and Brian Hargrove (piano) @ Adolphe Sax Bicentennial Festival 2014, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.
Kristine Gray (saxophone) & Assoc. Artist (piano) @ Rosza Centre Stage, University of Calgary, Canada, in assoc. with 2015 Region 9 Conference of the North American Saxophone Alliance.
Timothy Roberts (saxophone) & Associate Artist (piano) @ 2012 ClariSax – Festival de Clarinete y Saxofón de Medellín, University EAFIT, Medellin, Colombia.
Justin Kenealy (saxophone) & Alexander Bernstein (piano) @ Museum of Shenandoah Valley, Winchester VA, USA, January 2016.
Anna Stepanova (saxophone) & Iren Seleljo (piano) @ Alte Schmiede, Vienna International Sax Festival (2016), Vienna, Austria.
Timothy Roberts (saxophone) & Alexander Bernstein (piano) @ Selmer Paris Showroom, 18, rue de la fontaine au roi 75011 Paris, France.
Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris
Saxophone (2e cycle supérieur) Admission oevre affichée du 06/12/2017 au 30/04/2018
Une oevre imposée: Matthew ORLOVICH, Crazy Logic (12′), édition Reed Music.
Lukasz Wójcicki (saxophone) & Agnieszka Sucheniak-Wójcicka (piano) @ Ars Sonora Studio Recording – Akademia Muzyczna w Lodzi, Poland.
Arkadiusz Trysla (saksofon) & Seb Bernatowicz (fortepian) @ Diploma Recital – Zespól Panstwowych Szkól Muzycznych im. A. Malawskiego, Juliusza Slowackiego 91, 37-700 Przemysl, Poland.
R2Duo (Timothy Roberts, alto saxophone; Charles Roberts, piano) @ DUMS, HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, Domplein 4, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Score Sample
Crazy Logic
(for alto saxophone & piano)
Score & Part available from
Reed Music
Crazy Logic (for alto saxophone and piano)
alto saxophone and piano
c. 12 minutes
Sunday 8th October, 2006: Performed by Romp Duo (Barry Cockcroft & Adam Pinto) @ Port Fairy Spring Music Festival, Victoria, Australia.
M-720067-31-5 (Catalogue: RM224)
CD Recording

CD: Crazy Logic
Performers: Romp Duo
Available from: Reed Music
Contact me
If you would like more information about this score, feel free to email me.
I look forward to hearing from you!